Clearing blocks to career/finances/abundance

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Clearing blocks to career/finances/abundance-£150+

This prayer is to do with clearing blocks to career/jobs/interviews, although it can also be modified to clear blocks for exam success.

It is useful for me to know the past history concerning exams, interviews, past jobs and the desired future outcome.  This then allows me to work with my colleague who channels the information and then I write a prayer to clear and heal the specific blockages.

If blockages are to do with current life, then that could mean dealing with the following types of root causes:-

If blockages are to do with past lives, then that could mean dealing with the following types of root causes:-

If blockages are to do with ancestral issues, then that could mean dealing with the following types of root causes:-

If there are blockages to finances or abundance, then the root causes may be slightly different:-

The cost for this type of prayer is £125 for 8 root causes and £25 per additional two roots.

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If you believe you would benefit from a clearing blocks to career/finances/abundance, then please get in touch.