Breaking Black Magic, Rituals and Curses

Home » Black Magic, Rituals and Curses

The prayers I write have been designed to clear curses, rituals and black magic but there is a difference between them.

A curse can be either verbal or ritualistic and it is very common for we, as human beings to curse ourselves or others almost naturally or habitually.  Every time we say things like “I am so stupid” or “you are so stupid” that is a form of curse, cursing ourselves or others to continue to be stupid.

However, many people feel very strong negative emotions, so then what is thought or verbalized with a strong emotion becomes a kind of curse.  In anger someone might say “I hope you lose everything” or “just f**k off and die”.

A ritualistic curse however is within the realms of black magic although magic can include other intentions as well as sabotage.

In my experience, I have discovered the following types of magic: –

Although I am sure I have done magic in past lives, I refuse to do any kind of magic in current life – so nothing that is not of God, nothing couched as “white magic” or Wicca or anything that is designed to influence someone against their free will.

In order to break magic, I work with God, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and only spirits of 100% pure light.

And I aim for outcomes that are in highest good for all.

If you believe that you are being negatively affected by black magic, rituals or curses, then please get in touch.

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